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PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tag Adobe:Air

May 2010

Icon Generator Pro – Pour faire de jolies icônes façon Adobe - Korben

Créer des jolies icônes façon Adobe (Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Indesign..etc.) : petite application Air (donc fonctionnant sous Windows, Linux et Mac) baptisée Icon Generator Pro. Grâce à cette appli, vous pourrez générer des icônes façon CS5 : Sans oublier le mythique macaron « en promo », « beta » ou « 2.0″. L’application est même capable d’uploader directement cette icône sur votre compte twitter pour en faire votre image de profil (le truc trop inutile). Icon Generator Pro est téléchargeable ici gratuitement.

March 2010

e2publish (Beta) - to develop an online desktop publishing application - Daniel Freeman (MAC et maybe PC)

This is a work in progress. The first beta test prototype of an ambitious idea. The vision is to develop an online desktop publishing application that would ultimately create documents that resemble the pages of a magazine. In the future, I'd like to create a service that allowed many authors to contribute to online publications, and also manage subscribers. I made the layout and placement of images very powerful. A user can easily drag images and drop them to break up text, even between columns. Wherever images are placed on a page, the text arranges itself to wrap around them. This is the only flash-based word processor that incorporates such a powerful capability. Please try out this early prototype. I'd love to know what other developers think. How it can be improved? Suggested new features and bug reports? Known limitations with this beta version: Picture resizing can be a bit wobbly...... Actually, I haven't even tried this application on a PC.

August 2009

Tour de Flex, components, samples | Adobe Developer Connection

Tour de Flex component explorer Tour de Flex is a desktop application for exploring Flex capabilities and resources, including the core Flex components, Adobe AIR, data integration, and a variety of third-party components, effects, skins, and more. Tour de Flex has three primary goals: * Provide non-Flex developers with an overview of what is possible in Flex in a "look and see" environment * Provide Flex developers with an illustrated reference tool * Provide commercial and non-commercial Flex developers with a place to showcase their work


Fotobooth est en quelque sorte un clone pour Adobe Air du logiciel "PhotoBooth" d'Apple avec en plus une fonction d'export direct vers Flickr. Fotobooth permet de prendre des instantanés via la webcam de votre ordinateur, de leurs appliquer un effet et vous donne la possibilité de les télécharger sur votre compte Flickr en 1 clic.

Flickroom, une application Adobe AIR pour Flickr

Flickroom est une application Adobe Air pour Flickr qui propose de nombreuses fonctionnalités intéressantes dans une interface riche plus sympa que celle proposée par le site flickr. L'application Flickroom dispose de toutes les fonctions dont vous avez besoin; vous pouvez afficher votre flux de photos, votre profil, vos contacts, vos groupes et toutes les informations des photos, comme la description, les commentaires, les tags, etc... Flickroom permet également de commenter les photos, de les ajouter à vos favoris, d'y ajouter des notes et de les partager rapidement sur votre Twitter

Download Flickroom 0.03 - (Telechargement ) - An application that provides the rich browsing experience Flickr users have long deserved - Softpedia

An application that provides the rich browsing experience Flickr users have long deserved You can now receive instant notifications for any activity on your photostream, upload photos by just drag-and-drop, add comments, mark faves, add notes, tweet about your photos and also view all info associated with an image from within Flickroom. Get Flickroom and take it for a test drive to see what it can actually do for you!

October 2008

Destroy Today / DestroyFlickr

by 2 others
DestroyFlickr explores alternative methods for viewing and sharing Flickr content. Its user interface provides an environment that benefits photos rather than hindering them. With the ability to look at a photo on a dark, neutral background, you can view it without the interference of a brighter surrounding. By using workspaces and canvases, DestroyFlickr is able to retain a constant history of where you have navigated, offering the ability to revisit an area without the need to reload the entire page. DestroyFlickr takes advantage of features provided by the Adobe AIR SDK that are unavailable to web-based RIAs. With the support of both drag and drop uploading and downloading, posting and saving photos is done in one easy motion. Now you can download the highest resolution version of a photo without having to see it first—just drag a thumbnail to the download menu and the download begins.

Flickr Tool "DestroyFlickr" on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

today is "Flickr Tool" Day... i found this great looking and usefull Flickr Tool "DestroyFlickr" Is an Adobe Air Base Software Tool and looks really good... But only for Upload Photos, i find the Mac Tool "1001" is the better one... Go on a test it !!!.

August 2008

Flump ___Download all of the public photos for a specific Flickr account.___on AIR Bus Tour

flump is a simple application that allows your to download all of the public photos for a specific Flickr account.Application built for the Adobe on AIR Bus Tour.

decembre's TAGS related to tag Adobe:Air

adobe +   app +   application +   code +   design +   dev +   editeur +   flash +   flex +   flickr +   FlickrSurf+ +   freeware +   generateur +   generator +   icon +   icone +   image +   Korben +   navigation +   online +   outil +   photo +   publication +   publier +   publish +   reference +   rias +   site +   telecharger +   tool +   tutorial +   tutoriel +   user +   visualisation +   visualiser +   web2.0 +   webcam +   webdesign +