public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags evenement & extension


User- Interface-fr - Microformats

Il y a eu récemment beaucoup de très bonnes idées d'interfaces-utilisateurs et des suggestions pour travailler sur les microformats. Cette page sert à rassembler et documenter de façon à ce que nous puissions être inspirés et informés sur les travaux des autres.


DelegateGcal Gmail tickler _____Firefox extension (All Platforms)

Lets you create a reminder in Gcal based on the Gmail message you're currently viewing.The extension adds an Add to Gcal link to the bottom of every message. Clicking the link opens an overlaid Gcal window that includes the email subject in the event titl


Upcoming Event informationr: GM Script: Flickr Hacks

show details of the event a photo is attached to. This is based on the new tagging notation introduced this week by flickr and upcoming (but also supports the old notation upcoming:event_id): - if the photo does not have an upcoming tag, a se