public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from dggit with tag perma

18 November 2007 16:30

Resurgence Issue 241 - URBAN GARDENS by Satish Kumar

The theme of this issue is urban renewal. Cities are supposed to be the centre of culture, whereas the countryside is seen as the preserve of nature. This is an artificial divide: there is no intrinsic conflict between nature and culture. Indeed, we should bring more nature into our cities. New urban planning is needed. We need small farms, gardens, orchards, ponds and allotments in our cities so that we can participate in the production of vegetables, fruits, milk, cheese and other foods. This will help to reduce food miles and we will enjoy healthy and fresh food in our cities. If people in Havana can have urban gardens and freshly picked sun-ripened fruit, then why can’t the same pleasure be afforded to the citizens of London, New York and New Delhi?

18 November 2007 15:00

Permaculture Francophone - Videos

Ce site a été créé dans un souci de fournir au public francophone plus d'information sur la permaculture. En effet, la permaculture est d'abord apparue en Australie (voir "c'est quoi?") et s'est ensuite developpée principalement dans les pays anglophones. La grande majorité des livres, publications et sites internet sont également en anglais. Les hispanophones se sont à leur tour dotés d'un magazine et ont traduit les principaux livres, mais ceci reste à faire pour la langue française.

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