next new networks: about us
Next New Networks is a new kind of media company, creating micro-television networks over the internet for targeted communities, bringing together elements of tv programming and internet philosophy to allow viewers to contribute, share and distribute content.
Our aim is to be of the communities, as each network is populated by key creative people of the audiences they serve. In other words, we want our networks to go where the audiences that share an interest are, whether it's their blog, a friend's profile page, or wherever they go regularly to find more of the things they love.
Our focus is broad. In making 101 networks, we're looking to reach a variety of audiences from young adults to baby boomers and people with a fairly diverse range of interests.
We're looking to be available everywhere, from phones to iPods and gaming devices, to whatever the next platform is. Each of our micro-networks consists of 3-11 minutes of content refreshed on a schedule, daily, weekly, or bi-weekly (depending on the network), and offers one or more regular shows.
So what's your specific interest? Is there a community you're a part of that lacks, wants or needs shows that only the internet can provide? Let us know. And if you're a writer, producer, or creator who's passionate about your community, then maybe you should be a part of our next next new network.
mativi.fr | La Charente-Maritime sur vos écrans | bienvenue
"Conviviale, réactive, informative, communautaire, mativi.fr est la première chaîne de proximité de la Charente-Maritime. Diffusée via internet, vous pourrez suivre l'actualité du département où que vous soyez dans le monde.
La chaîne a pour vocation de couvrir les grandes manifestations et événements du département (Sunny Side of the Doc, Festival international du film de La Rochelle, Francofolies, Sites en scène, Grand Pavois...), mais aussi d'aborder les thèmes de la protection de l'environnement et du développement durable.
La mer sous toutes ses formes (nautisme, pêche...) sera aussi au cœur de nos programmes.
Nous espérons vous compter prochainement parmi nos "télénautes", d'ici là, vous pouvez d'ores et déjà participer avec nous à cette formidable aventure..."
Via journalism.co.uk, we come across a local TV anchor and photog who chuck
the fame and fortune, the exposure and paycheck of jobs on the local TV news to create their own local online shows for Madison, WI, at StoryBridge.tv. They want to do stories that “validate” — their word — people doing good things locally.
Based on their beta stories, I wish they also chuck more of their local-TV ways and make shows that are a little rougher, less polished, more authentic. I also hope they put their videos up on YouTube et al and make them embeddable so they can be part of the local conversation. And I hope they’ll also do stories that are useful, not just TV-heartwarming.
Now having given those caveats, I’m enthusiastic about what they’re doing. They will surely avoid the fires and press releases and weather mania that inhabit most local TV nows — because they can’t afford it. And so they will go out and do real stories, showing their old newsroom what’s possible. There’s no reason any individual or team in any town couldn’t do this; the tools and distribution are all there.
They’re also doing innovative things, starting, for example, a nonprofit arm that will allow locals to support series that may not have commercial appeal.
BBC - Film Network - Homepage
Film Network is a
showcase and community for up-and-coming UK filmmakers
(7 marks)