public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from dpansu with tag mobile



BONDI - and open source industry collaboration for widget and web technologies


Call ChaCha

This search engine is a fusion of computer technology and human intelligence. Live human guides are available to provide additional assistance in finding informations.

Soft, Squeezable, Huggable Phone » Yanko Design

Imagine a phone made from cotton. Soft, pliable, and light yet never compromising on power or performance. The Soft Phone concept by designer Qian Jiang takes what we know about electronic cellulose structures and squeezes every last ounce of performance out of it, literally!

Casulo - Möbel für mobiles Wohnen - mobile living funiture

Comment disposer de meubles transportables sur une palette la plus compacte qui soit. Les deux designers recherchent un fabricant.



Camion tout terrain disposant d'un écran de 27m2 + écran de 5m2 avec réception satellite et materiel de synchronisation. Premier cinéma mobile africain utilisant la vidéo projection professionnelle.

floAt's Mobile Agent Online

by 4 others
FMA is a free1 powerful phone editing tool allowing users to easily manage all of the personal data stored in their phones, via a number of different connections methods. FMA allows easy management of Phonebook (both SIM and Phone memory), SMS, Profiles, and Files stored on the phone. FMA can also allow you to pickup and dial calls directly from your PC.

2006 ::: Mobilize your business! Generate cash using SMS

by 2 others
SMSconnect = mobile 2.0 Taking mobile to the next stage. For the first time, launching premium mobile services is as easy as buying a book or a DVD on the web. Turnkey applications are configured in minutes, program briefs are automatically submitted to carriers and you can start generating important revenues with more than 300 million European mobile subscribers!

Apple - Mac OS X - iSync - Devices

by 2 others
Compatibilité pour synchronisation avec téléphones

Information sur 'DAS'

Information sur les valeurs de débit d'absorption spécifique (DAS). DAS signifie "débit d'absorption spécifique", soit l'unité de mesure de la quantité d'énergie RF absorbée par le corps lors de l'utilisation d'un téléphone mobile.

Vos billets en un Clic digitick

by 1 other
La billetterie nouvelle génération


le PC ultramobile de Intel