January 2008
Salt Water Fly Fishing
Salt water fly fishing has grown in popularity over the past half century as many fisherman experience the thrill and excitement of the sport. Some choose to don their waders and fish from the shoreline, some prefer to use a small boat as they explore shallow fishing areas, and still others opt for the adventure of deep sea fly fishing.
What Makes Fly Fishing Special
Fly fishing is a special approach to fishing. Fly fishing is different from bait-casting or spin-casting because fly fishing uses a weighted line to carry the nearly weightless bait forward when casting.
The History of Fly Fishing
No one really knows when fly fishing first began. It is believed that it existed long ago in ancient times. One of the earliest written references to fly fishing was made by Claudius Aelianus.
April 2007
The Recreational Value of Fishing
Many people consider that fish are only a medium of survival, or to some extent a food supply; yet there is another angle that is little known. The manufacturing industry utilizes more than two billion pounds of fish and fish by-products every year. This is slightly more than is used for food.
February 2007
Fishing as Family Activity
Many people love to go fishing, instead of playing tennis or golf. Others make it their primary sport activity together with their families and friends to relieve boredom and stress. Surveys say that more than 50 million Americans love to go fishing and make it their lifestyle option instead of other sports.
November 2006
What is Fishing Bait?
There is such an assortment of bait that it is difficult to recommend any particular color, size, or type as the best. There are more than a thousand good baits on the market. All will catch fish at some time or another.
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