19 April 2007 09:00
Smoking Risks and High Blood Pressure
When you play with fire, you get burned. When you smoke, you run the risk of getting burned inside and out. Whether tobacco is smoked, chewed, or taken in by any other means, the nicotine in the tobacco raises the blood pressure.
18 April 2007 10:00
7 Easy Steps To Weight Loss
Is one of your New Year�s resolutions to lose weight? To finally start to feel good about yourself and look good? You aren�t alone, as millions of Americans are looking for that �perfect weight loss program�. Here are a 7 steps you can start today and see results very quickly. No fads, just facts maam :o)
18 April 2007 07:00
Iran will �cut off the hand� of attacker
world news
(3 marks)