07 May 2005
life through an artificial eye: Six Miles
Back from the awesome AVIT 05 and doing a midnight live vj set together with todd synesthete for the san francisco glitch-hop artist kraddy, during the UK's largest not for profit political clubbing event, Drop Beats Not Bombs, on the closing night of AVI
life through an artificial eye: re:vlogged: Who's Responsible for this?
Today's re:vlog is an amalgamation of visitors to artificialeye who left comments complimenting us on the quality of the content, so i think it's fair to return the favor by re:vlogging them. In order of appearance:
01 April 2005
30 March 2005
by 28 othersUbuweb is a wonderful site where you can find audio and video archives of radio, films, sounds, visual and concrete poetry, literature and other related subjects. One of the new features Film has some surrealistic silent movies from Marcel Duchamp, Man Ra
re:vlogging Homage to Annie
RE:vlogging is the remixing of videoblogposts "the only way i can flirt with her is with a re-vlog mix of her original post with some nice ice cream pastel color and streak fx with a bit of rgb delay -- to spice up the stark whiteness of what appears to b
29 March 2005
life through an artificial eye: loop.|.copy.left.right
remixing the text from Andrew Leonard"s article on Salon.com
28 March 2005
MPEG NATION - Video Showcase
video hosting for blogs
life through an artificial eye
vj falk's newly started vj blog, posting clips and loops
27 March 2005
Military Videos . net
bit torrent site of soldier shot combat footage
25 March 2005
multo.com artistic output...
sample content from VJ mixxy
Vancouver digital film festival.
24 March 2005
by 4 othersDave Logan is a high school senior who just finished his latest animation, which is a music video for They Might Be Giants' excellent song 'Bloodmobile.
nice examples of live and studio work from killer studio in france
23 March 2005
(17 marks)