public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from fugita with tag web

29 January 2006

A Really, Really, Really Good Introduction to XML [XML, XSLT & Web Services]

by 11 others
In this chapter, we'll cover the basics of XML — essentially, most of the information you'll need to know to get a handle on this exciting technology. After we're done exploring some terminology and examples, we'll jump right in and start working with XML documents. Then, we'll spend some time starting the project we'll develop through the course of this book: building an XML-powered content management system.

28 January 2006

14 January 2006

The Time is Now for Front-End Architects

by 1 other, 1 comment
Pour la reconnaissance du profil d'architecte front-end.

fugita's TAGS related to tag web

design +   front end architect +   inspiration +   introduction +   job +   metier +   tutoriel +   web2.0 +   xml +