plowshare - Project Hosting on Google Code
(via)plowshare is a command-line application designed for some of the most popular file-sharing websites. Using plowshare you will be able to download files (and for some modules also upload, list and delete) on UNIX-like operating systems
nvie's gitflow at develop - GitHub
(via)A collection of Git extensions to provide high-level repository operations for Vincent Driessen's branching model.
htty's htty at master - GitHub
(via)htty is a console application for interacting with HTTP servers. It’s something of a cross between curl and the Lynx browser.
All commands | commandlinefu.com
by 9 otherscommandlinefu.com is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again.
Delete that bloated snippets file you've been using and share your personal repository with the world. That way others can gain from your CLI wisdom and you from theirs too. All commands can be commented on, discussed and voted up or down.
Make Ubiquity Your Ultimate Firefox Commander
One of the niftiest Firefox add-ons to come out of Mozilla Labs is Ubiquity, a natural language commander that adds killer functionality on-page in Firefox. Let's take a closer look.
Astuce python : de l'autocomplétion dans l'interpréteur - filyb.info
Une astuce pour avoir l'autocomplétion dans l'interprète intéractif python.
(7 marks)