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PUBLIC MARKS from ghis with tag design


ag-Grid Blog: 8 Performance Hacks for JavaScript

ag-Grid is a JavaScript data grid for displaying large amounts of data in the browser in a style similar to Excel spreadsheets. ag-Grid is fast, even in Internet Explorer with large volumes of data. This blog presents performance patterns, or performance 'hacks', that we used to put our grid on steroids. We describe how to squeeze performance out of the browser which can be applied to anyone wanting to tune their own applications. It will be of particular interest to users of ag-Grid to improve understanding of how to work with the grid. We also think that it will be of interest to anyone creating a grid. We relish the idea of healthy competition so we are happy to contribute to the wider community knowledge.








URL Design — Warpspire

by 1 other
Good practices in designing URLs.

La Macrotypographie de la page Web

by 2 others (via)
Présentation de la macrotypographie des pages Web à ParisWeb.

Information Architects – Web Design is 95% Typography

by 2 others (via)
Good article about web design and typography. List of useful links at the end of the article.

Kyle Slattery

Site to remember for its organization, could be an inspiration for my own site.

Button Maker

by 1 other
Site for making css3 button.

The Difference Between Art and Design | Webdesigner Depot

"The subject of what separates art and design is convoluted and has been debated for a long time. Artists and designers both create visual compositions using a shared knowledge base, but their reasons for doing so are entirely different. Some designers consider themselves artists, but few artists consider themselves designers." So what exactly is the difference between art and design? In this post, we’ll examine and compare some of the core principles of each craft.

32 Google Chrome Extensions For Smart Designers | Graphic and Web Design Blog

Google chrome is a relatively new web browser but it has already gained huge popularity with its great speed and features. Web developers must work more faster and more productively – what could help more than these extensions aimed to ease your daily development process and save time.

MongoDB Schema Design

Design a DB schema with the non-rel DB MongoDB.

YouTube - A Tiny Apartment Transforms into 24 Rooms

In Hong Kong, because of the space, apartments are small and expensive. Gary Chang, an architect, decided to design a 344 sq. ft. apartment to be able to change into 24 different designs, all by just sliding panels and walls. He calls this the "Domestic Transformer."

Ces petits détails qui vous font dire "Wow!" dans un site web

L’effet “wow” est très important pour un site web. Il s’agit d’un facteur qui vous permet de vous détacher de vos concurrents dans votre secteur d’activité. Par ailleurs, ce ne doit pas nécessairement être quelque chose de complexe, ce peut être tout simplement de petites attentions bien appliquées. Leurs utilisations laisseront certainement une bonne impression dans la mémoire de votre auditoire.

The Best Design Tools for Improving Your Home - Planning - Lifehacker

Wandering around Home Depot until inspiration strikes is a terrible idea. If you've got a loose idea for a redesign, re-arrangement, or physical improvement to your house, apartment, or even a dorm room, we recommend these computer planning tools for the job.

50 High-Quality Free PSD Web Templates » DJDESIGNERLAB – Find All Your Design Inspirations From This Laboratory

by 1 other (via)
Photoshop is an excellent tool to designing a website. There are no design software as adobe Photoshop in designing a website. Sometimes most reputed designers used to share their creativity to others for free that will become marvelous and a learning source of beginner web designers. Here I I’ve listed 50 High Quality PSD Web Templates to download. - Quick and simple image placeholders

by 8 others (via)
How does it work? Just put your image size after our URL and you'll get a placeholder.

Uniform - Sexy forms with jQuery

by 1 other (via)
Have you ever wished you could style checkboxes, drop down menus, radio buttons, and file upload inputs? Ever wished you could control the look and feel of your form elements between all browsers? If so, Uniform is your new best friend. Uniform masks your standard form controls with custom themed controls. It works in sync with your real form elements to ensure accessibility and compatibility.

ghis's TAGS related to tag design

@font-face +   aggrid +   alloy +   android +   api +   art +   best practices +   button +   chrome +   color +   comparison +   css +   css3 +   database +   django +   espace +   extensions +   fonts +   form +   framework +   google +   html +   html5 +   image +   images +   inspiration +   interface +   javascript +   jQuery +   json +   lifehack +   light +   material design +   minimal +   mobile +   mongodb +   NoSQL +   optimisation +   performance +   photography +   presentation +   programming +   psd +   python +   rest +   slideshow +   tips +   titanium +   tool +   tuto +   typography +   ui +   url +   web +   webapp +