public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from giovanninicco with tag gn42

January 2007

August 2006

June 2006 : My marks

As always if you think something ‘original’ surely it alredy exists on web: i thougth it would have been usefull have a personal and a public net of tagged (each other) post… it was here and it was possible to import posts from wordpress (here) Posted in Uncategorized | Edit | No Comments » is just an illusion June 22nd, 2006 by giovanninicco take a look! : Posted in Uncategorized, optical illusion | Edit | No Comments » start with omnioutliner June 21st, 2006 by giovanninicco I had omnioutliner in my MacBook but i don't know if it will expire when i'll have all my stuff inside, does anybody know? Second point: is it possible to connect it to wordpress? Posted in Uncategorized | Edit | No Comments » things made easy! June 17th, 2006 by giovanninicco

giovanninicco's TAGS related to tag gn42

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