public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from giovanninicco with tag physics

July 2017

May 2017

April 2017

February 2017


Providing bespoke support for teachers of physics


What is TalkPhysics? TalkPhysics is a digital space for discussing ideas, sharing advice and discovering resources for teaching physics

August 2016

October 2015


Il foglio di calcolo genera dei vettori 2D/3D casuali e ne chiede alcuni calcoli. (Andando a modificare le colonne delle coordinate e forzandole diventa una sorta di calcolatrice)

The Story of Electricity

Shock and Awe: The Story of Electricity -- Jim Al-Khalili BBC Horizon

giovanninicco's TAGS related to tag physics

2017 +   2DS +   3 +   3c +   3ds +   3f +   5DS +   acceleration +   acustic +   anky +   applet +   bbc +   book +   books +   c++ +   calcoli +   cern +   coulomb-force +   education +   elearning +   electrical_field +   electromagnetism +   elettromagnetismo +   elm +   f +   fantafis314 +   formulas +   formule_inverse +   francesco +   free +   g02 +   g14 +   g17 +   geogebra +   hadrontherapy +   ipod +   italy +   java +   javascript +   magnetism +   maxwell +   mechanics +   mit +   momentoAngolare +   mooc +   nicco +   notazione_scientifica +   pdf +   podcasting +   prefissi +   pressione +   rai +   res0003 +   res0004 +   res0005 +   res0006 +   science +   simulation +   string-theory +   Thesis +   tv +   vector +   vectors +   video +   videos +   waves +