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PUBLIC MARKS from greut with tags js & closure

January 2008

Javascript Closures

by 1 other

A "closure" is an expression (typically a function) that can have free variables together with an environment that binds those variables (that "closes" the expression).

historical document apparently.

May 2007

Memory leak patterns in JavaScript

Handling circular references in JavaScript applications

greut's TAGS related to tag js

agile +   ajax +   api +   article +   atom +   bbc +   best practice +   bookmarklet +   cache +   canvas +   closure +   code +   comet +   compatibility +   datastore +   date +   design +   dev +   dhtml +   docs +   dotnet +   eval +   event +   execcommand +   extension +   firebug +   firefox +   form +   framework +   functional +   geek +   github +   google +   greasemonkey +   guide +   hack +   hackday +   hcard +   highlight +   html +   http +   iframe +   javascript +   jQuery +   json +   jsquery +   kiss +   leak +   library +   lighttpd +   maps +   math +   metaprogramming +   microformats +   mootools +   mozilla +   msie +   muc +   oop +   opera +   operator +   pattern +   performance +   phone +   ppk +   presentation +   programmation +   programming +   prototype +   python +   rdf +   rte +   ruby +   safari +   Silverlight +   singleton +   slides +   storage +   svg +   tips +   tool +   tools +   tutorial +   unittest +   vb +   video +   w3c +   web +   webkit +   widget +   work +   www +   xbl +   xhr +   xhtml +   xml +   xmpp +   y +   yahoo +   yui +