A word of warning for widget authors - widget uploading terms - Opera Widgets - Opera Community
Some of you don't read "Terms for widgets" carefully when uploading, or read it once and don't check it for changes every time you upload or update a widget. Well, you really should.
Opera Widget isn't the Apple Store or Android Market
Computerworld > Why Opera isn’t planning to go open source
We support open source in that we offer a better browser for Linux,Opera CTO Hakon Wium Lie told me in a recent meeting at the InfoWorld offices.But we haven’t found a business model that allows us to go fully open source.
Something old, but I recently talked with Batiste about this : How would Opera be if they had go Open Source before Firefox got (relatively) huge?
File I/O
1 commentThis document describes an interface for an abstract File I/O interface where web applications can interact with a file system, without any prior knowledge about the underlying filesystem. This interface can be used for e.g. an image preview before submitting a form or for saving a drawing from a canvas painting web application locally.
open the web
dW - Article Archive - Tweet from Opera’s Address Bar 2
A week ago I wrote about tweeting from Opera’s address bar and presented a method for doing so without aid for external scripts or services such as a method given a couple of months ago. Since then my method has made its way across the interwebs even being posted on My Opera, but there’s a better way to do it.
nice hack.
JavaScript Events - Zürich WebTuesday 9.9.08
3 commentsJavaScript Events: What can we learn from Desktop Applications?
presentation I gave at the 9.9.08 webtuesday, everything is in the page.
internex.ch in text/plain
by 2 othersVotre navigateur n'est ni Firefox, ni Internet Explorer. Afin de vous offrir la possibilité de pouvoir consulter notre liste de prix quelque soit votre navigateur, si vous vous connectez en n'utilisant ni Firefox ni Internet Explorer, une liste de prix au format texte vous sera affichée.
seen with Opera. It's far more usable by the way
Stop using Ajax! - Opera Developer Community
by 1 otherIn summary, these are my points:
- I'm not saying Ajax is bad, I'm saying it's immature
- I'm not saying never use Ajax, I'm saying don't use it for the sake of it, and try to avoid it for now, instead sticking to accessible alternatives
a PHB mandatory article