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PUBLIC MARKS from holyver with tag api


LinkedIn Developer Network

LinkedIn APIs Let your users bring LinkedIn profiles and networks with them to your site or application. You gain better awareness of your users, increase productive engagement, and gain reach through the 52 million professionals on LinkedIn.

Shindig - Welcome To Shindig!

by 4 others (via)
What is Shindig? Shindig is a container for hosting social application consisting of four parts: * Gadget Container JavaScript: core JavaScript foundation for general gadget functionality (read more about gadget functionality). This JavaScript manages security, communication, UI layout, and feature extensions, such as the OpenSocial API. * Gadget Rendering Server: used to render the gadget XML into JavaScript and HTML for the container to expose via the container JavaScript. * OpenSocial Container JavaScript: JavaScript environment that sits on top of the Gadget Container JavaScript and provides OpenSocial specific functionality (profiles, friends, activities, datastore). * OpenSocial Data Server: an implementation of the server interface to container-specific information, including the OpenSocial REST APIs, with clear extension points so others can connect it to their own backends. Shindig is the reference implementation of OpenSocial API specifications, a standard set of Social Network APIs which includes: * Profiles * Relationships * Activities * Shared applications * Authentication * Authorization

Apache CouchDB: Introduction

What CouchDB is * A document database server, accessible via a RESTful JSON API. * Ad-hoc and schema-free with a flat address space. * Distributed, featuring robust, incremental replication with bi-directional conflict detection and management. * Query-able and index-able, featuring a table oriented reporting engine that uses Javascript as a query language. What it is Not * A relational database. * A replacement for relational databases. * An object-oriented database. Or more specifically, meant to function as a seamless persistence layer for an OO programming language.

Facebook PHP Tutorial

I will cover the basics of using the Facebook PHP library and how to get your application started, including: 1. Installing The Facebook Developer Application 2. Downloading The Facebook PHP Client Library 3. Creating Your Application 4. Hello Facebook! Example 5. FBML - Facebook Markup Language 6. Using the Facebook API


cfis : Atom Will Change the World

Its a rare day that a truly good standard comes along. Its an even rarer day that the standard get widely adopted. So the developers of Atom should stand up and take a bow - not only did they hit a home run with the Atom syndication format, they've done it again with the Atom publishing protocol. In case you are not familiar with Atom, the syndication format provides a standard format for saving blog content in XML and the publishing protocol provides a standard API for clients to read, create or update Atom documents stored on servers.

DOM XML pour manipuler des documents

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Alejandro Gervasio publie un dossier bientôt complet sur les manipulations de noeuds XML via l'extension DOM. DOM est une des API de PHP pour manipuler des documents XML : elle permet l'ajout, le retrait ou la modification de noeuds, avec une gamme impressionnante de fonctions. Si vaste, cette gamme, qu'il est parfois difficile de comprendre comment on va faire pour réaliser certaines opérations simples.


Introducing the Java Content Repository API

There are several approaches that I could take when discussing the JCR. In this article, I examine the features offered by the JSR-170 specification from a developer's perspective, focusing on the available API and the interfaces that allow a programmer to efficiently use the JSR-170 repository in designing a content application. As an artificial example, I'll implement a trivial back end for a Wikipedia-like encyclopedia system, called JCRWiki, with support for binary content, versioning, backup, and search. I use Apache Jackrabbit, an open source implementation of JSR-170, to develop this application.

InfoQ: Integrating Java Content Repository and Spring

It is extremely common for applications to store various pieces of information, most of the time in relational databases. While they do a great job when working with regular data types, they are not very efficient when dealing with binary data, for example images or documents. File systems can be used as an alternative and while they offer better performance, there is neither a query language for searching information nor a notion of relationship or transaction.

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