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PUBLIC MARKS from holyver with tag tips


Missing Features » 48 Essential Drupal Development Tips From Lullabot

Your correspondent was fortunate enough to recently partake in a four day, hands-on, in-depth Drupal training (agenda: theming, forms API, menu API, module development, jQuery, best practices) conducted by the firm that literally wrote the book on Drupal: Lullabot. These tips were collected during training and every effort was made to capture them accurately, but do point out any errors or feedback in the comments (any errors were mine in capture, not Lullabot’s in training).


UNIX tips: Learn 10 good UNIX usage habits

by 4 others (via)
Adopt 10 good habits that improve your UNIX® command line efficiency -- and break away from bad usage patterns in the process. This article takes you step-by-step through several good, but too often neglected, techniques for command-line operations. Learn about common errors and how to overcome them, so you can learn exactly why these UNIX habits are worth picking up.


» Cheat Sheet Round-Up: Ajax, CSS, LaTeX, Ruby… | Smashing Magazine

by 26 others (via)
Whether you’ve forgotten the name of a function or the property of a cascading style sheet - handy cheat sheets deliver the information you are looking for - immediately. Most cheat sheets are available as .pdf or .png-files, so you can print them and use them every day for whatever projects you’re currently working on. We present an extensive overview of useful cheat sheets we’ve found in the Web.

holyver's TAGS related to tag tips

Cheat Sheets +   command line +   development +   doc +   drupal +   howto +   ms-dos +   shell +   unix +