public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from irols with tag mashups

January 2008

Bug Labs: What is Bug Labs? LEGO électronique

Bug Labs is a new kind of technology company, enabling a new generation of engineers to tap their creativity and build any type of device they want, without having to solder, learn solid state electronics, or go to China.

November 2007 : Mes marks avec les tags mashups & jouets

Détournement + girafe sophie en klaxon, maison fisher price cage à oiseau...

May 2007

flickrvision (beta)

by 18 others
Des images qui apparaissent sur google maps au fur et à mesure qu'elles sont téléchargées sur flickr... hypnotique

ProgrammableWeb: Mashups and the Web as Platform

by 58 others
Keeping you up to date with the latest on mashups and the new Web 2.0 APIs

Toys 2.0 - Mashups at their best at Jimmy’z Blog

The ability to mash two or more concepts into a new product has sparked some really creative ideas that have received a lot of attention in the web 2.0 boom. Recently, toys have seen some thrilling success, as movie brands have been mashed up with traditional toys of the past.

Toy Lab - Build Your Own Toy!

At Happen's Toy Lab, YOU can Build Your Own Toy!! Join the zany Professor Russell and his assistants for a creative experience the whole family will enjoy.

Toy Mashup at Plastic Bugs

Happen’s Toy Lab of Cincinnati, OH recycles old toys in a unique way. They disassemble donated toys and let kids build hybrid toys from the parts.

dead insect: handmade urban vinyl mashup toys: idiotcreature_01

For the past few months, I've been buying bits of old toys from car boot sales when I can. The point of all this was so I could create unique toy mashups - cutting off different bits of different toys and recombining them to make new cute stupid creatures.

irols's TAGS related to tag mashups

blog +   flickr +   goodies +   jeux +   jouets +   kids +   lab +   maps +   photos +   prospective +   web +