08 June 2007
Novak: Large number of Dem insiders believe Obama will be '08 nominee
Bob Novak writes in his take on the recent Dem/GOP debates that Sen. Hillary Clinton, whom Novak accidentally identifies as a Republican, "is slow-walking her way toward the nomination, which is often a path leading to defeat." Why defeat? Because Novak reveals that...
30 May 2007
Who can Fox News get to pad their ill-fated Dem debate?
With the latest news that of the current 2008 Democratic presidential candidates, only rantin' grandpa Mike Gravel, kindler gentler racist Joe Biden, and "Peace Gnome" Dennis Kucinich are bothering to show up for Fox's debate in a few months, I'm wondering who the pseudonews network could call on to fill out the seats that Clinton, Edwards, Obama et al. won't be sitting in. A few worthy possibilities came to mind...
17 May 2007
Novak: GOP loyalists can't wait for Bush to leave town
Say what you will about righty ghoul Bob Novak, but it's hard to deny that his political assessments are an interesting read. His take on the second GOP debate is a good example. Some nuggets from his latest Evans-Novak Political Report...
(3 marks)