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PUBLIC MARKS from jackiege with tags ebiz & tools

21 June 2006

mobsaver - SMS price comparison tool

by 1 other
Free SMS price comparison tool. Compare prices on Amazon and eBay while you're out shopping via text messaging.发送UPC或ISBN到save@mobsaver.com可以查看自己的查询

13 June 2006

by 3 others (via)

jackiege's TAGS related to tag ebiz

ads +   adsrank +   airfare +   alibaba +   amazon +   auction +   b2b +   b2c +   baidu +   bizmodel +   blog +   blognetwork +   book +   broadband +   business +   buzzwords +   C2B +   c2c +   calendar +   cards +   china +   clothes +   comparison +   cool +   coupon +   daily +   data +   design +   ebay +   ecology +   electronics +   etang +   finance +   general +   geocode +   geourl +   google + +   idea +   joyo +   local +   longtail +   map +   marketing +   marketshare +   mashups +   meetchina +   mobile +   mugs +   music +   news +   nonprofit +   opensrc +   payment +   paypal +   person +   photo +   postage +   posters +   price +   publishing +   Q币 +   realestate +   retail +   search +   SearchEngine +   security +   service +   shopex +   shopping +   sms +   sns +   socialcomputing +   software +   tag +   taiwan +   taobao +   telecom +   tencent +   theory +   tools +   travel +   trojan +   tshirts +   usa +   users +   virus +   web2 +   web2site +   websiteabout +   websitelist +   websites +   widget +   WOM +   www +   支付宝 +   财付通 +   虚拟货币 +   郭凡生 +   马云 +