January 2007
Faithful challenge newborn blood test laws
(via)Parents argue state-mandated screenings violate religious tenants
Ray and Louise Spiering wanted to observe a period of silence after their daughter Melynda’s birth, but what they got was an uproar.
To the Spierings, Nebraska’s requirement that newborn babies undergo blood screening within 48 hours of birth is an infringement on their religious beliefs and their right to decide what’s best for their four children.
September 2006
The Nation's Best Grocery Stores
(via)Shopping for groceries can be an exercise in frustration, fraught with experiences you'd rather avoid.
The ideal? Lots of checkout lanes, wide aisles, and consistently fresh meat and produce — like at Wegmans, one of several stores which got top ratings in the October issue of Consumer Reports.
July 2006
Replace NC bridge, worry about road later
The U.S. interior secretary says he supports building a bridge over the Oregon Inlet parallel to the existing span and deciding the issue of rerouting the connecting highway later.
"I believe the best way to proceed would be to separate the replacement of the Bonner Bridge, a project whose delay could constitute a clear and present safety issue for all concerned, from the more difficult and less urgent issue of the realignment of the road," Interior Secretary Dirk Kempthorne wrote.
()() There are so many things wrong with the logic in this article, I can't even enumerate all of them. Let's start with if the road doesn't connect to the bridge, how are people going to use the bridge? What good does that do?
This Means War
A 46-year-old man is accused of assaulting his wife with a carrot, causing her to lose sight in one eye,"
It is a scandal that thanks to the carrot lobby, Americans--even the mentally ill, convicted criminals and stalkers--are able to buy these dangerous weapons without so much as a license or background check. We need carrot control! It's the only way to deal with crime at its roots.
April 2006
'Marketing of Evil' tops Amazon 'Current Events' chart
The book banned by the faculty of Ohio State University as "hate literature" and "homophobic tripe" is currently No. 1 on Amazon.com's "Current Events" best seller list.
This afternoon, it hit No. 33 on Amazon's overall list.
January 2006
Ten Reasons Why You Should Date a Geek
(via)About a year ago I appeared along with my loving geeky husband at the Chris Pirillo Show and stated my reasons why ladies should consider dating a geek. A week ago, Brian Bailey emailed me and kindly asked me to write a post on ten best things about being married to a geek.
Geotagging Flickr photos with Google Earth
by 2 others (via)Google Earth is by far the best source of geographic information on the web. Combined with the Flickrmap Geotagger you can easily add geographic information or "geotags" to your own Flickr photos.
December 2005
Best of Notable Quotables 2005
(via)The Media Research Center’s annual awards issue, a compilation of the most outrageous and/or humorous news media quotes from 2005 (December 2004 through November 2005). To determine this year’s winners, a panel of 52 radio talk show hosts, magazine editors, columnists, editorial writers and media observers each selected their choices for the first, second and third best quote from a slate of six to nine quotes in each category.
The best digital cameras to give your kids this holiday
(via)Even six-year olds can take great pictures.
November 2005
Five Best (and Worst) Governors in America
(via)TIME Magazine names the five best governors in America in this week’s issue (on newsstands Monday, November 14th). The five best include: Kenny Guinn of Nevada, Mike Huckabee of Arkansas, Janet Napolitano of Arizona, Kathleen Sebelius of Kansas and Mark Warner of Virginia. TIME also names the nation’s worst governors: Louisiana governor Kathleen Blanco, Ohio governor Bob Taft and South Carolina governor Mark Sanford.
(10 marks)