public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from jeff06601 with tag security

23 August 2006

IBM buys ISS for $1.3 Billion

IBM announced they are buying ISS (Internet Security Systems) for $1.3 Billion dollars. This all cash deal is a $2 premium per share. The big questions is what will IBM do with ISS, products or services? IBM security products haven't exactly been flying off the shelf. Services is probably the likely route

15 August 2006

Google exposing Snort deployments

A quick search of Google's cache shows several web based consoles that control the Snort Intrusion Detection System for companies all over the world. None of these had passwords to prevent tampering.

14 July 2006

Security Website Search Plugins for Firefox

Search plugins for Firefox that lets you seach your favorite Security sites like SANS, Securityfocus, PacketStorm, CVE, Snort, OSVDB, etc.

jeff06601's TAGS related to tag security

firefox +   google +   ibm +   iss +   search +   snort +