public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from jjw2844

12 September 2006

jQuery Eases JavaScript, AJAX Development

good press on jquery that speaks to many of the same reasons I love it

11 September 2006

09 September 2006

jjw2844's TAGS


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"tagging   "web   2.0"   3d   agile   ajax   ajaxwidgets   amazon   antiwar   beyondajax   blog   blogs   calendar   carpe   cocoon   colorado   criticism"   culture   database   delici   denver   design   enteprise2.0   Enterprise2.0   esb   ETL   fitness   flash   flex   flickr   framework   Hiking   HiveMind   iraq   javascript   jQuery   keeper   lazlo   mashup   metaverse   missouriruns   moutainrunning   music   nutrition   ontology   politics   portal   portland   programming   progressive   project   python   races   rest   rss   running   seattle   soa   soap   software   sparklines   tagging   technology   todo   toread   trail   trailrunning   ui   ultrarunning   usatf   virtual   web2.0   webdesign   webservice   wikipedia   workouts   wsrm