public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from kanjar



Implementing an N-Level Nested Tree In PHP and PostgreSQL

by 1 other
This series of articles is about implementing a nested tree using PHP and PostgreSQL. The theory and code in these articles also applies to MySQL, not just PostgreSQL.

Best Web Gallery - CSS & Flash Design Inspiration

by 22 others
A list of cool web sites to inspire all web designers.

Web 2.0 how-to design style guide

by 62 others
« ... a summary of many of the common features of typical "Web 2.0" sites. »

Clean CSS - Optimize and Format your CSS

by 59 others
Optymalizacja arkuszy styli CSS.



by 6 others
WYMeditor is a web-based WYSIWYM editor.

Evaluation of WYSIWYG-editors

by 5 others
Ocena edytorow wysiwyg.

CSS Rounded Corners

by 31 others
Zaokraglone divy - lista rozwiazan.

Forget WYSIWYG editors - use WYSIWYM instead

by 2 others
Ciekawa alternatywa dla edytora WYSIWYG.

kanjar's TAGS


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css   design   editor   edytor   flash   forum   galeria   html   images   istockphoto   liquid   mysql   photo   php   player   portable apps   postgresql   sklep   skrypty   tree   version   web   wysiwyg   wysiwym