public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from knann with tag ms:science

February 2009

23andMe - Genetics 101

23andMe provides a collection of educational materials to guide you on your personal journey of genetic discovery. Explore our learning resources and discover the world of genetics!

November 2008

3D Plant and Animal Cells Simulation

Cells are the basic unit of structure and function in living things. If you look inside cells, there are even smaller structures called organelles. Each organelle has a different function within a cell. Learn about plant and animal cell organelles in this interactive 3D simulation. View the cells from any angle by clicking and dragging, select a plant structure to learn more about its function.

October 2008


Factophile offers topical facts, trivia and statistics on a wide range of topics, along with a growing set of links to more in-depth resources. New facts and trivia are added on a regular basis.

The Periodic Table of Videos - University of Nottingham

Oustanding Periodic Table of Elements with video explanations (practical explanations)

September 2008

Lunar Cycle Challenge

Drag the moons to their places in the lunar cycle. Three levels of play.

June 2008

Motion and Forces

interactives >Teachers need to preview to determine grade level appropriate nteractives.

Science Up Close: Gr 1-6

Harcourt science topics interactives with audio

K-6 Science

MacMillan/McGraw-Hill science editions online with animated and audio content. ::

Math and science interactive learning modules with audio

May 2008

The 5 Kingdoms of Life

Great site with detailed info and great images(copyrighted). Written by a Biology professor

Planet Size Comparison

What a great tool to see how the sun and planets compare in size. Try it, it's easy: In the first box choose "Sun". In the second box, choose "Mercury". Next, click the word "compare" located between the two boxes. Try different variations.

April 2008

Periodic Table Printmaking Project

by 2 others
Ninety-six printmakers of all experience levels, have joined together to produce 118 prints in any medium; woodcut, linocut, monotype, etching, lithograph, silkscreen, or any combination. The end result is a periodic table of elements intended to promote both science and the arts.

March 2008

BAM! Body and Mind |

1 comment (via)
From the CDC, a great interactive site for health topics: diseases, food and nutrition, physical activity, your safety, your life, your body. Resources for teachers here as well.

January 2008

Cosmic Zoom

This visual representation is to help give you an idea of the size and scale of the universe.(similar to the Powers of Ten site) Each image is 10 times bigger or smaller than the one that comes before it or after it. The numbers are written using exponential notation. This is a convenient way scientists use to write very large or very small numbers.

December 2007

November 2007

ASPIRE - Lessons

Interactive astronomy and physics lessons and labs. Great for differentiation.

Dynamic Earth Interactives

Delve into the earth's interior, learn about its tectonic plates and their movements, and discover how mountains, volcanoes, and earthquakes are formed.

Welcome to BugGuide.Net! - BugGuide.Net

by 2 others
We are an online community of naturalists who enjoy learning about and sharing our observations of insects, spiders, and other related creatures. Includes clicable guide, taxonomy, images, and indo

Google Earth and Sky

A great resource for teachers wanting to get more out of Google earth. Tutorials, powerpoint, and kmz file available at this site.

Microscope Imaging Station. Gallery.

by 1 other
The Microscope Imaging Station produces high-resolution images and movies using research-grade microscopes. This gallery contains a range of images and movies that illustrate the diversity of what can be seen with light microscopes.

October 2007

The Structure of a Leaf.

A leaf is adapted to absorb light in photosynthesis. Can you label the different parts on this cross section diagram of a leaf?