public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from knann with tag ms:writing


BSD: Biography Maker

by 2 others (via)
Great site to enabling students to write a great biography using the following steps:To create an exciting biography, you will now follow these steps: 1. Questioning | 2. Learning | 3. Synthesis | 4. Story-Telling Six Traits of Effective Writing


ReadWriteThink: Persuasion Map

An online tool for mapping out an argument for a persuasive essay or debate. Simple and easy to use from anywhere. Print your final version to a PDF to save on your computer or send to the laser printer to hand in to your teacher.

knann's TAGS related to tag ms:writing

biography +   district +   es:language_arts +   esvt +   hsvt +   language arts +   ms:language arts +   msvt +   writing +