August 2009
Self-Help Tips to Stop Smoking
Breaking free from addictions is always a tough task and no matter how much extraneous help you may take, self-help is the best help especially when it comes to stop smoking.
July 2009
The 5 Keys to Quit Smoking
Studies have shown that you have the best chances to quit smoking for good if you use these five steps together.
Why It s So Hard to Quit Smoking
Did you know that 70% of smokers in the United States today say that they wish they could quit? Why, then, is the tobacco industry making millions of dollars on American smokers?
January 2009
Ways to Stop Smoking - Stop Smoking Tips and Programs
Ways and tip to stop smoking: Smoking isn t just hard on your body - it is dangerous for anyone living or working around you. When you stop, you ll typically see an overall improvement in your health. Sometimes, that is easier said than done, though. Many smokers have tried unsuccessfully to stop smoking in the past, but if you re really dedicated,
March 2008
Smoking Can Cause Irreversible Damage of Genes |
Long-term smoking is well-known as a serious risk factor in developing artery stiffness. However, according to a recent study reported at the Journal of the American Heart Association, smoking-induced arterial damage can be successfully treated by smoking cessation.
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