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PUBLIC MARKS from kzoo with tag advice

February 2009

Men s Health Advice

Talking about Men s health: Research has shown that men are differently affected by health problems than women even though they may have the same disease. It is a well known fact that heart disease is much more prevalent in men than women and also more likely to be inherited if there is a history of heart related problems in the family.

October 2008

Quit smoking advice :: View Listing :: Free Directory

Former smokers live longer than people who keep smoking. Women who stop smoking before pregnancy or during the first 3 to 4 months of pregnancy reduce their risk of having a low birth-weight baby to that of women who never smoked.

August 2007

Safety of Summer Driving

Skilful drivers can be surprised to learn that winter, with its poor visibility, slippery roads and slick intersections, is not the most dangerous driving season. Car owners think that bad winter roads are responsible for the majority of driving accidents and collisions but, in fact, it is during summer that injuries and fatalities increase.

kzoo's TAGS related to tag advice

about +   are +   be +   by +   car +   directory +   driving +   first +   free +   health +   is +   listing +   men +   of +   people +   quit +   s +   smoking +   stop +   that +   tips +   view +   women +