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January 2010

Antibiotics and Acne - What You Need to Know

For some, suffering from acne becomes such a problem that no cream or ointment seems to be able to cure the problem. A lifetime of struggling with painful and unsightly spots has lead to medical research into medicinal help for acne, and is therefore available to those suffering from long term acne problems.

December 2009

How Environmental Factors Can Trigger Asthma

Asthma is a condition that affects millions. There are many factors that contribute too asthma symptoms but environmental factors seem to be the most overlooked.

November 2009

Top 5 iPhone Apps for Productivity

Apples App Store downloads surpassed 2 billion in just over a year, at an astonishing rate of 6.6 million downloads per day. With more than 85,000 apps available, iPhone and iPod users are at no loss for options. The iPhone can be as useful as you need it to be, and the potential that it has is amplified even more with the right apps.

September 2009

Top 10 Homemade Remedies For Acne Revealed - Fighting Acne

Acne problems can easily be cleared if you consult a doctor. Any dermatologist can help you get healthy looking and glowing skin with regular treatments. However, that costs money and time.

Top Five Men-Killers

Part of the reason why men die at higher rates from well known causes as heart disease, stroke, suicides and cancers is the well-set ideas of the society that boys and men are supposed to be tough, tolerate and ignore pain.

Many Tips On How To Get Rid Of Cold Sore

If you are looking for some advice on how to get rid of cold sore realize that the healing process can be hastened. You may realize that the cold sore is associated with sensitivity on your lip and a firm region that s visually undetectable.

Which Are the Best Weight Loss Products That Are All Natural

Today, there are a lot of diet pills that are said to be the best weight loss products and also claiming to be the most effective diet pills that were out in the market nowadays.

Acne Control-using The Top Natural Products

If you prefer natural products for your acne control methods, you want to be certain that you have chosen the best possible product to manage the condition.

August 2009

Mens Health Issues, Fitness and Nutrition

Talking about Mens health: Research has shown that men are differently affected by health problems than women even though they may have the same disease. It is a well known fact that heart disease is much more prevalent in men than women and also more likely to be inherited if there is a history of heart related problems in the family.

The Future of SUV Market

It appears that the time of big vehicles and SUVs, in particular, comes to the end with the popularity of hybrids and fuel-efficient small cars. However, some people think that SUVs will still be here for a while because American customers fell deeply in love with them and will hardly give the big autos up so quickly.

June 2009

Amazing New Technology Allows Anyone to Make Your Own Music

If you’ve ever had the desire to discover how to make your own music beats, but thought the hardware would be too expensive, you were wrong. Orperhaps you believed that it would be too difficult to learn how to play the necessary instruments, or maybe you just felt like you could never produce high quality music like the big names in the music bu

Causes of Cold Sore and Prevention

Having oral herpes or more commonly known as cold sores can be both painful and embarrassing. The fact that the condition does not have a cure or even a vaccine can often make it seem hopeless.

Foods for Acid Reflux - Know What to Avoid

Whether you are a person that has been diagnosed with acid reflux or you are researching it for a friend, we will hopefully be able to clarify some of the questions you might have in regards to the food for acid reflux that you can eat and the foods that you should avoid eating.

May 2009

How Dry Mouth Can Cause Bad Breath

There are many things that can cause bad breath. Many of us know about the foods - but did you know that it can also be caused by having a dry mouth?

Saab and Opel Will Be Sold Very Soon

General Motors is happy to announce that the sale of Saab and Opel is coming to the final talks. There have been several candidates, but the manufacturer has the number of them to final three for each brand.

Male Pattern Baldness Treatment

For centuries men have lost their hair as they aged and no one could do anything about it. They were destined to be bald, and the majority of them accepted hair loss as a normal event that should happen to them sooner or later. In the last few years medicine has made a big step forward to alopecia treatment.

Lose a Few Pounds Visually (Part 2)

When one needs to look thinner in just a few days, diets and exercising will not be good helpers. However, it is possible to look better for that important day. Besides posture and clothes, there are a few other tricks which help look slimmer, such as make-up, hair style, and accessories.

5 Hair Loss Products For Men and Women Reviewed

Are there no genuine treatments that sufferers can turn to in a bid to treat the ravages of premature hair loss. Don t despare, Female hair loss and male pattern-type baldness can be treated successfully for most people nowadays. The medical term for hair loss is Alopecia.

April 2009

Simple Exercise For Cellulite - Do Away With Fat and Dimpled

If cellulite sufferers only knew the power of exercise for cellulite, they probably wouldn t be so gloomy about the idea of cellulite reduction. Why? Because not only can exercise remove the cellulite already being stored in your body, but it can provide a layer of protection against cellulite that you couldn t obtain otherwise.

Best Natural Remedies for Cold Sores

Cold sores are small, painful, fluid-filled blisters that usually occur on the lips, gums, or roof of the mouth. They re caused by the herpes simplex virus and are contagious. There may be pain or tingling one to two days before the cold sores appear.

Vitamins for Hair Loss - Hair Loss Medication

Hair loss can be anything but pleasant. The fact that we live in a society where hair loss is viewed as age, you will want to always have a head full of hair in order for you to look young for as long as possible.

Fluids in a Car

There are six fluids under the hood of each car that have to be checked, changed and refilled regularly. Some require monthly attention; the others stay in good condition for years.

Zoloft or Prozac

If a person goes to a physician for a depression treatment, odds are that he will be prescribed either Zoloft or Prozac. However, it is now in the open that Zoloft can cause serious side effects, can cause suicidal thoughts in adults and children alike and can cause very severe withdrawal symptoms when a person stops taking the pills.

27 Dresses Is More than Enough

27 Dresses is a romantic comedy that would be delightful to watch for almost anybody, tells a story of a young lady who has many friends and was invited to 27 weddings as a bridesmaid. It is definitely good to help a friend to organize the most important day of her life

March 2009

New Auto Insurance Step by Step

Since every car has to be insured, it is important to know how to get the best coverage and what would be the right choice for a certain person. Here are a few steps that might be helpful in this situation.

kzoo's TAGS related to tag be

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