23 October 2007
New Improved Toyota Camry Hybrid
When we speak of the most prestigious cars in America, the only question is whether the Camry will get the gold or the silver. Last Camry got negative evaluation: magazines rank it middle of the pack, owners speak of it with indifference, and the model was even nominated among Ten Worst Automobiles Today.
25 September 2007
3 Toyota Camrys At Dover!
This coming Sunday, hold on to your seats and better tie those Acura belts as tight as you can because three Toyota Camrys will sweep the tracks as the green flag waves across the starting line at the Dover International Speedway event! I went to Toyota NASCAR’s pit pass awhile ago. And I mean over at www.toyota.com.pitpass where I found this great piece of news! I know Toyota fans like me will be delighted by this great NASCAR update!
(2 marks)