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PUBLIC MARKS from kzoo with tag career

August 2008

CDAA - Career Development Association of Alberta

There are a wide variety of career development, produced by organizations as well as by private consultants about the career industry which would be of interest to CDAA members.

April 2008

Schumacher Steps in at Ducati test, Raikkonen Wants to Follow Him

Despite of all the Shumacher’s words that he is not going to continue his career after he has retired Formula One, the actions usually speak louder than words. So dodging by the actions of a multiple world champion driver the situation is otherwise.

Buy Italian Job, The movie. Download Italian Job, The movie: DivX iPod format

A gang of robbers, lead by career criminal Charlie Croker, create the largest traffic jam in Los Angeles history, giving them time to pull off a theft of gold bullion. They get away in their Mini Coopers, which are small enough to drive on sidewalks so they can make a clean get away before the traffic jam clears.

August 2007

A Technical Job is Not All about Being Technical

The tech job market is tough and will continue to be so. Technological changes are a major cause of worker displacement, and changes in technology affect those in tech jobs faster than those in other fields. No other era has seen such quantum leaps in paradigm-shifting technology in such short periods of time.

June 2007

How Career Ambitions Can Be Achieved

Are your career ambitions to be in a job that provides you with a sense of security, challenges you and ultimately makes you happy? But closely linked to the education one gets, the environment one grows up in, the people you interact with, career ambitions are complex and multi-dimensional.

A Portrait Of A Portfolio Career: An Answer To The Perfect Job?

A Portfolio career is a relatively new terminology in the corporate arena. However, many people have been practicing it for quite a while now. A portfolio career is a combination of several work profiles such as contract work, general employment and home business.

May 2007

Career Job Opportunity, How To Get It?

To have a versatile staff (employee) is always been a first choice of hiring managers (employers / recruitment agency). In today"s fast moving recruiting needs there are many ways & channels to have a long & competitive list of global job seekers to choose from.

March 2007

How to Choose the Right Job Candidate

Think you already know what this subject is all about? Chances are that you dont, but by the end of this article you will! Youre having bother with an worker. After annoying different effects, you complete you hired the damage being in the first place. Has this happened to you? If so, here are tips on how to hire the right being in the first place:

Building Your Resume

A resume is the key to your success. Whether you're job searching, freelancing or starting up a small business, your resume is what will get the ball rolling. A resume is your single greatest asset and first impression.

February 2007

The Career Change Challenge - Shall I Stay Or Shall I Go?

The average person works for 40 hours a week for around 40 years – that’s 80,000 hours of your life – and one in four people are currently thinking about changing their job.

Remember Yoda's Words

We make choices all day, every day. Sometimes the results aren’t exactly what we had hoped for. But to quote the title of a popular book…’hope is not a strategy’. Especially if the decision is based on a purely emotional reaction or an old recording of internal chatter.

January 2007

How to get a job paying more than $100,000 a year

How do people get themselves into a position of earning good incomes at young ages? Why do some people work hard for minimum wage while others have cushy jobs that are well-paid? Most importantly, how can you become one of the latter?

How To Get Hired -- What CS Students Need to Know

What Interviewers are Tired Of A surprisingly large fraction of applicants, even those with masters' degrees and PhDs in computer science, fail during interviews when asked to carry out basic programming tasks.

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