March 2009
6 Important Facts About Dealing with Depression
Depression and anxiety causes a number of other symptoms, such as sleeplessness or excessive drowsiness, edginess, panic attacks, hallucinations, and many other disturbing symptoms. In today s society, 41% of the population are affected by the plagues of depression - but only 28% actively seek help by the treatment of a physician or mental health c
August 2008
Stop Drinking Now .. Alcohol and Depression
It may seem that everywhere you turn in our society that alcohol plays a significant role. From many of our holidays and traditions, the availability and opportunity for alcohol is a reality.
May 2008
Smoking Teens Can be Prone to Depression
Although “conventional wisdom” states that smoking can be beneficial for depressed people, scientific studies show that, on the contrary, the reverse is true. A new trial conducted by US scientists has demonstrated that depression in teenagers can actually be caused by smoking cigarettes.
December 2007
Obese People are Prone to Depression
According to U.S. researchers, obese people do not fit the joyful stereotype attached to them. To the contrary, they are more likely to become victims of a whole range of psychiatric disorders, a new scientific study says.
Beat Postpartum Depression and Lose Your Pregnancy Weight
You had everything checked and double checked for your baby s arrival: diapers, wipes, onesies, bottles, car seat and stroller. But how does a mother prepare for postpartum depression? Is there a checklist for dealing with feelings of sadness, irritability, and the emotional ups and downs of being a new mom?
(5 marks)