April 2008
New Diesel Engines Enter U.S.
High gas prices make people think what kind of vehicle they’d better get, what kind of fuel it should have. Many deny diesel at once, because its price is so much higher. Don’t rush and think for a minute. Nowadays diesel vehicles are different than the diesels of the 70s.
January 2008
850 Diesel Hybrid Buses for New York City
Today a lot of eco-friendly enthusiasts are looking forward to coming of new types of hybrid vehicles that shall be able to combine various sources of fuel or, which is even better, to work only from electricity. At the same time many large industrial cities are now ordering the hybrid buses that combine standard fuel engine and electric motor.
December 2007
850 Diesel Hybrid Buses for New York City
Today a lot of eco-friendly enthusiasts are looking forward to coming of new types of hybrid vehicles that shall be able to combine various sources of fuel or, which is even better, to work only from electricity.
(3 marks)