September 2009
Top Five Men-Killers
Part of the reason why men die at higher rates from well known causes as heart disease, stroke, suicides and cancers is the well-set ideas of the society that boys and men are supposed to be tough, tolerate and ignore pain.
September 2008
Asthma Cures - Five Best Exercise Ideas for Asthmatics
Do you want (or need!) to get more active, but you find yourself coughing, wheezing and so out of breath you have to stop and go back to your television program? You may have what doctors refer to as exercise-induced asthma. Exercise can trigger asthma symptoms in some individuals, but it can also help your body transfer oxygen in and out of your b
December 2007
Five Strategies to Make Tackling It Easier
The hardness of IT was the recent topic at a quot;home party quot; I was attending. The sister of a friend and customer of mine had a home party that showcased products from her company. I was invited and went. As a network marketer, I genuinely believe that no matter what company you are in, you should support other companies as long as the products being offered do not conflict with your company s products or philosophy.
Top Five Superfoods that Fight Excess Weight
While some types of food literary make people gain pounds of fats within short time, other foods are proven effective in helping dieters lose excess weight. Fat-accumulating products, such as chips, buns, candies, ice cream and other high-carbohydrate, processed foods create havoc with blood glucose levels, generate addictive cravings, and make us gain undesirable pounds.
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