public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from kzoo with tag gain

March 2009

Stay Thin When You Quit Smoking - Weight Gain Tips

If you are looking for tips on how to stay slim when you quit smoking, then this article will give you some valuable information. Last year I quit smoking - weight gain was a big concern for me, but I was able to keep it to a minimum.

December 2008

Quitting Smoking and Weight Gain - Discover the Truth

What s one of the top concerns of people who want to quit smoking? Weight gain. Survey after survey of people who are smoking shows that one of the top reasons for not trying to quit is the fear of gaining weight. Now, at first glance, this sounds plausible

5 Top Diet Tactics to Prevent Dreaded Holiday Weight Gain

Dinners, desserts, parties, meetings, errands…the season is full of hustle and bustle. Staying true to a healthy eating plan will be a huge challenge for most, so here are some tried and true methods to keep the holiday weight gain at bay.

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