March 2009
Using Alcohol Abuse Hypnosis to Cure Alcoholism
Alcohol abuse treatment may include counseling, meetings, rehabilitation centers, group therapy, alcohol abuse hypnosis, and more. Throughout the years hypnosis was perceived as a psycho mind altering horror that would make people think like a zombie on their quest for destruction.
October 2008
Does Hypnosis Work To Stop Smoking?
If you have tried to quit smoking and failed, it s not your fault. Every method from cold turkey to the patch focus you mind on smoking and actually make you want to smoke more. They focus your head on your but and that can t be good.
Hypnosis Fights Tobacco Addiction
Despite a vast educational campaign and serious governmental efforts to ban smoking in public places, the US statistics on tobacco addiction remains grim. It is estimated that more than 50 million American adults and teenagers still regularly smoke.
(3 marks)