December 2008
Smokers Are Prone to Bacterial Infections, Study Found
The recent issue of The Journal of Cell Biology has reported on even more dangers of cigarette smoking. According to a new study conducted by an international team of researchers, smokers tend to suffer from various types of inflammations and infections more often than non-smokers.
June 2008
New Study Confirmed a Link between Cigarette Smoking and Type 2 Diabetes
A new analysis of multiple published studies has shown that cigarette smokers run an increased risk of contracting adult-onset diabetes, in comparison with those who never smoked.
May 2008
Smoking Cessation Lowers Health Risks for Women – New Study
By stopping smoking, women benefit from a decreased risk of cardiovascular disease and a lesser incidence of death from various smoking-related cancers. According to new results of the large-scale Nurses’ Health Study, female smoking cessation brings major health risks down by more than 20 percent!
December 2007
Most People With Excess Weight Do Not Aim to Slim, Study Shows
According to Reuters news, most people with excess weight want to get rid of extra pounds, but are not willing to take practical steps in order to lose weight.
(4 marks)