07 April 2005
03 April 2005
Object-aware memory architecture
(via)Despite its dominance, object-oriented computation has received scant attention from the architecture community. We propose a novel memory architecture that supports objects and garbage collection (GC).
25 February 2005
Practical lock-freedom
There are potentially a number of advantages in using lock-free programming techniques, including improved fault tolerance, resistance to deadlock, no 'lock convoying', and no chance of unfortunate scheduler interactions (such as priority inversion).
18 February 2005
The Little JavaScripter
by 2 othersIn 1974, Daniel P. Friedman published a little book called The Little LISPer. It was only 68 pages, but it did a remarkable thing: It could teach you to think recursively. Why not in JavaScript?
Nemerle Homepage
Nemerle is a high level typed programming language for the .NET platform. It offers functional, object-oriented and imperative features. It has a simple C#-like syntax and a powerful meta-programming system.
Features that come from the functional land are variants, pattern matching and type inference.
17 February 2005
The Haskell Home Page
by 2 othersHaskell is a general purpose, purely functional programming language. Haskell compilers are freely available for almost any computer.
(9 marks)