public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from macroron with tag my-firefox-toolbar-bookmarklets?

November 2005

My Kaboodle - Create Kaboodle pages to help you comparison shop, plan vacations, make your top 10 lists, or just organize your research.

by 10 others
Capture anything you find on the web with one click - Our powerful information extraction technology summarizes the page for you - Your information is organized on a single Kaboodle page that is easy to share - Every item on the page allows for easy ranki

Jesse's Bookmarklets Site: Web Development Bookmarklets

by 21 others
These bookmarklets let you see how a web page is coded without digging through the source, debug problems in web pages quickly, and experiment with CSS or JS without editing the actual page.

October 2005

favicon collector

by 1 other
get favicons as png files and related urls - use any favicon displayed to place it next to the related url

September 2005

July 2005