Downloading and Installing Notepad++ with XML Tools
This section provides a tutorial example on how to download and install Notepadd++ on Windows system; and how to add the XML Tools Plugin in Notepadd++.
XSD Tutorials
This free book is a collection of tutorial examples and notes written by the author while he was learning XSD (XML Schema Definition). Topics include XSD, XML, Schema, simpleType, complexType, simpleContent, complexContent, dataTime, dateTimeStamp, gYear, gMonth, gDay, duration, yearMonthDuration, dayTimeduration, anyURI, Namespace, Xerces2.
XML Schema Tutorials
This free book is a collection of tutorial examples and notes written by the author while he was learning XML Schema and writing XSD (XML Schema Definition) documents. Topics include XML Schema specifications, XML data types, XSD document samples, XML document validation tools like XML Spy, XML document validation programming interfaces like Xerces-J.
Publishing Books Using XML Technologies
This book describes some ideas of how to use XML technologies to help publishing your books on your own Websites. Those ideas are implemented into a publishing tool called hyPub, which is also presented in this book.
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