February 2008
Bash script to init a subversionned Symfony project
by 1 other (via)Usage : new-symfony-project PROJECT-NAME You can define following variables to customize the creation : - SYMFONY_BRANCH : The Symfony branch used - SYMFONY_REPOS : The full Symfony SVN repository URL, if set, SYMFONY_BRANCH is ignored - SYMFONY_DATA : The path to the data folder of your Symfony installation. If not left empty, no SVN version will be downloaded (using local installation) and two precedent variables will be ignored - TRUNK_URL : The trunk of your project (default : repos created) - SVNADMIN_REPOS : Local root for SVN repositories - WEB_DIR : Local root for Web directories
January 2008
sfZendPlugin Alternative to Installing the Zend Framework | MirthLab
by 1 other (via)I often use the Zend Framework from within my Symfony applications and until recently, I’ve been using the sfZendPlugin to import and autoload the library. You’ll notice that this plugin has recently been axed leaving some people confused as to how to use the library in their projects.
SteerCMS Demo Site
by 2 othersSteer CMS is a state of the art Open Source content management system which offers a number of features and benefits. From an intelligent and intuitive workflow model and administration, to lean and ultra fast blend of dynamic, and static public interfaces, it lends itself perfectly to enterprise level and SME implementations.
Steer CMS has been engineered as a robust and scalable platform for high traffic sites. Built on Symfony framework, It uses a plugable architecture to provide a set of standard services while retaining the flexibility to add new modules for specialised functions.
December 2007
Propel Criteria Builder
by 2 othersThis is an alpha-release of a utility that converts pseudo-SQL into PHP Propel code. Give it a try — feedback is welcome on the symfony forum!
November 2007
by 1 otherSymfoclipse is a plugin for the Eclipse platform that ease the development process of web applications using the Symfony framework.
August 2007
I Hear a Symfony: Rails vs. the Symfony PHP framework | townx
I wondered whether Symfony is good enough to recommend as an alternative to Rails for programmers who already know PHP.
In short: it is.
Symfony Plugins - A five minute primer
So this was really just a quick preview, but the patterns and structures shown above basically set the rules on how plugins work across the board.
July 2007
Symfony : A note on routing
As far as I could figured out from sfGuardPlugin routing via php code (not via yml) can be done the following way:
May 2007
symfony Web PHP framework » symfony Weblog » Book translations integrated
To give more visibility to these translations and leverage the effort, we've just integrated the available translations to the official documentation pages.
April 2007
sfDimensionsPlugin - symfony - Trac
(via)sfDimensionsPlugin allows you to customize the behavior of your symfony application depending on many factors. You can adjust the configuration, template selection, and action behavior based on a combination of dimensions chosen by you. For instance, you can have a different navigation structure based on the country of the user, or a different logo URL based on the current skin. These factors that affect the behavior (in this case, the country of the user and the skin selected) are the dimensions, and you may define as many as you wish.
March 2007
Interview - Fabien Potencier (Sensio Labs)
(via)En général, les frameworks sont orientés par les conditions d'utilisation de leur créateur. Ruby on Rails a été créé par une société centrée sur des développements Web 2.0. Quant à Symfony, il est issu de 5 ans d'expérience de Sensio Labs dans le développement pour les grands comptes. Dans cette logique, nous assurons également le support des versions antérieures de Symfony pendant un à deux ans, et ce à la différence des technologies concurrentes qui imposent le plus souvent de migrer à chaque nouvelle version.
February 2007
Complimentary Filters
(via)A common modification to a CRUD module is filtering records on the list page. There are probably several nice ways to do this, including drop-downs, forms, etc. depending on the situation. While some of these approaches are nice, they are often not minimal... We like minimal!
January 2007
Code Snippets -- Recalling AJAX state upon page reload
(via)This snippet explains how you can track and recreate the current view even when using ajax to update your page. Now if users reload the page or send this link to a friend, the current state will remain intact.
November 2006
Frameworks PHP : Symfony, inachevé ? - Blog - Veille - Clever Age
by 10 others, 1 commentNotre objectif n’est pas de faire la critique absolue de Symfony, mais bien plutôt de mettre le doigt "là où ça fait mal", afin de contribuer à l’amélioration de ce formidable outil qui arrive très bientôt en 1.0 ! Et vérifier un vieil adage, par la même occasion : "qui aime bien châtie bien" !
September 2006
DatabaseFileStorageSystem - symfony - Trac
by 1 other (via)This document aims to provide a good method for storing files in a database using Symfony. The argument between flat file storage vs. database storage has been going on for quite a while, so this system tries to alleviate some of the concerns with speed. It outlines general file storage, a caching system, and means to serve the files in a way a user would expect.
June 2006
The Tooleshed » Blog Archive » DBDesigner 4 to Propel XSL
by 1 other (via)This allows you to design your database model using DB Designer 4 (models are saved in XML format) and then easily create the Propel database schema file.
(better version in comments)
Conversion de DBDesigner > Propel (utilisé dans Symfony)
March 2006
(21 marks)