public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from msandler with tag charlierose

12 June 2009 14:00

» Charlie Rose - A conversation with author Richard Posner

One of Best Charlie Rose Interviews yet ! Charlie Rose - A conversation with author Richard Posner. Bookmark and Tag -Charlie Rose activism · animals · animation · anime · architecture · arts · astronomy · atheist · bizarre · blogs · books · cars · cartoons · cats · clothing · comics · computer-graphics · computers · cooking · crafts · cyberculture · drawing · drugs · environment · graphic-design · hacking · health · history · humor · illusions · internet · internet-tools · linguistics · linux · mathematics · movies · multimedia · music · online-games · open-source · painting · philosophy · photography · physics · politics · programming · psychology · relationships · satire · science · self-improvement · software · stumblers · travel · video · video-games · web-design · windows · writing ·