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PUBLIC MARKS from neosho with tag "WinMakers Books"

26 July 2006 08:00

some Excerpt from WMM-WingMakers造翼者衝浪部落-新浪部落

SOURCE REALITY First Source exists in Source Reality. Source Reality is the dimension of consciousness that is always pushing the envelope of expansion—the leading edge of development and evolution for the whole of consciousness. In this realm of dynamic expansion is always found Source Reality. It can be likened to the inner sanctum of First Source or the incubator of cosmological expansion. There is no identity as a place in time because it is outside of time and non-time. It is the seam between the two, perfectly invisible and yet absolutely real.

24 July 2006 11:00

WingMakers Chinese - Neosho's inspiring by WMM-Related: 第三篇訪談(2) - DNA與"沒有形式的意識" - Neruda訪談

摘录自第三篇访谈--- 译注:访谈中女记者的名字Sarah是虚构的,她不是真实生活中替James工作,写揭露信的那个Sarah。访谈是WingMakers资料中,小说内容之另一种形式的延伸。Dr. Neruda是小说中从,美国国家安全局底下,一个负责外星科技的取得之极机密组织ACIO,叛离出来的科学家。 第三篇访谈(2)

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