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PUBLIC MARKS from nhoizey with tag documentation



SHARPENING IN LIGHTROOM - PART 1 OF 2 | x=blog stay informed

Mike Gray from LifeInDigitalFilm walks us through a sample workflow to expose the power and flexibility of the sharpening tool within the Lightroom Develop Module

Introduction to How People with Disabilities Use the Web

The draft document "How People with Disabilities Use the Web" provides examples of people with different disabilities using Web sites, applications, browsers, and authoring tools.


jQuery API Update: offline and anywhere

La doc d'API de jQuery maintenant disponible offline dans une appli AIR !

Flickr Code

by 5 others
Welcome to Your one-stop shop for information, gossip and discussion with the Flickr developer community


by 10 others
An activity diagram to describe the resolution of HTTP response status codes, given various headers.


iPod Touch Tricks & Tips - iPod touch Fans forum

Through using your iPod Touch you invariably pick up little tricks to get things done quicker, or make life easier. Or maybe a cool unknown feature.

The NTLM Authentication Protocol

This article seeks to describe NTLM at an intermediate to advanced level of detail, suitable as a reference for implementors.

CAS and LDAP authentication for SPIP 1.9.2a

This tool allows SPIP to work with CAS and LDAP authentication. SPIP public access can be easily restricted using CAS SSO and a LDAP filter.

BizTalk Server 2004: A Messaging Engine Overview

This paper is intended to provide detailed information about the messaging infrastructure of BizTalk Server and about other key areas of the product where customers have typically struggled to gain an understanding.

symfony PHP5 framework » Chapter 1 - Introducing Symfony

Why "symfony" and not "FooBarFramework"? Because [...] The other alternative was "baguette."


Wackylabs.Net » Flickr.Net Example Code

by 1 other
One of the most requested things at the moment is example code, or documentation for the Flickr.Net API LIbrary, so this is the first (of possibly a series) of tutorials, focusing on how to create the Flickr class object, with and without authentication.

Autoroute de l'information - Documentation

La présente collection de normes ouvertes en technologies de l'information est un carnet qui recueille les notes prises au cours de ces « expéditions » et elle utilise un certain nombre de catégories pour simplifier leur consultation. [...] Le traitement des normes est inégal, mais la trame générale est l’explication des principaux concepts de chaque norme et leur traduction en français.