Cuk.ch - VMware Fusion, mieux que Parallels Desktop? Oh que oui...
Après plusieurs heures d’essais intensifs, je ne peux que constater l’immense supériorité de VMware sur Parallels Desktop.
unlimacted » Fusion, la virtualisation par VMware. Petit test.
Fusion, la solution de VMware qui, comme je vous le rabache depuis le début de cet article, va vous permettre d’exécuter simultanément Mac OS et Windows sur votre Mac
Vista EULA forbids virtualization - The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)
if you want to run Vista on Parallels, and want to keep within the terms of the EULA, you'll need to buy either the Business or Ultimate versions, whose EULAs allow for virtualized use
MICHAEL VERDI : Parallels Screencast
by 1 otherThe latest beta of Parallels Desktop for Mac is out and it’s super cool. Check out this screencast of some of the new features in action.
How to install Ubuntu in OS X using Parallels - a complete walkthrough - Simplehelp
by 2 othersThis tutorial will take you every single step of the way through installing Ubuntu 6.06 using Parallels for OS X. In other words, even your parents should be able to follow along.
(8 marks)