public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from odie01 with tag health

June 2008

Happiness in Self Efficacy Formulas and Development

What is your true worth? Are you happy? Do you know yourself? For your own benefit, forget for some time whatever tasks you have in your today’s schedule and try answering these questions.

May 2008

Dealing With The Failure of Your Health

Dealing with your own immortality is one of the hardest things that you can go through. A lot of people feel that they are as good as steel, but then something happens and they find out that they aren't as healthy as they thought.

July 2007

Natural Vitamin Sources

When you think about vitamin, natural vitamin, what do you think of first? Which aspects of vitamin, natural vitamin are important, which are essential, and which ones can you take or leave? You be the judge.

A Look on Diet Fitness

Would you like to find out what those-in-the-know have to say about Fitness? The information in the article below comes straight from well-informed experts with special knowledge about Fitness.

June 2007

B Complex Vitamins

There is a lot of scrutiny round the B complex vitamin and how it is material for the cadaver to be good a convention of functions.

May 2007

Selection Hair Loss Remedies

Hair loss remedies become extra and extra famous these days in light of most men see healthy hair significant.

Taking Care Of Children's Health

Children's health is an important indicator of health in later life. It is assumed to be generated by the household via a production function, and children's height is taken as an indicator of the health status.


It is very important that a mother should possess such information as will enable her to detect disease at its first appearance, and thus insure for her child timely medical assistance. T

Smart Parents Question Vaccines

The vaccine debate is escalating. With 18 states currently considering laws to mandate the new HPV (cervical cancer) vaccine for school entry,

How Much Are You Paying for Stress in Your Life?

Do you realize how much you are paying for stress in your life? We are so used to everyday stresses that we often do not realize just how much our stresses are costing us.

April 2007

YOUR HEALTH INFO: Avoiding Dangerous Weight Loss Practices

When it comes to weight loss, we all want it to be as quick and painless as possible. This desire for an instant solution can lead to an individual making unwise choices.

4 Ways to Feel Better Without Seeing a Doctor

Don’t get the wrong idea I am not saying we don’t need doctors, sometimes you just have to see a doctor for immediate care.

Signs of a Heart Attack

If you suspect that you are having a heart attack, it is vital to act on time to avoid serious consequences. Dial 911 immediately to avoid potential death or permanent disability.

Pay Attention To Your Health Care Provider's Advice For Better Health

If you are going to go through the trouble to pay a visit to your health care provider, it only makes sense to pay attention to their advice if you hope to have good health.

Tips On How To Properly Care For You Cats Health

Just like humans, cats feel miserable when they are sick. As a pet owner, it is your primary responsibility to keep your feline friends healthy and happy.

22 Ways To A Good Night's Sleep

How many of you consider the importance of sleep in relation to fat-loss, injury prevention and recovery, lack of focus, and overall health and vitality?

The Benefits of Organic Milk or is it just plain Hype?

The government, producers, suppliers and retailers then began the shift towards going organic and the result of this activity was a surge in the number of farmers converting to organic production.

6 Tips for Combating Dust Allergies

The most common treatment for allergies is to simply avoid whatever you're allergic to. While you can stay inside during pollen season, or not eat foods with peanuts, you can't really avoid dust.

Natural Herbal Remedies And Their Many Benefits

With more and more herbal products available in the market place, you ought to be aware that natural herbal remedies are becoming increasingly popular nowadays.

Vitamins And Minerals Are Health Magnets For Our Body's Circulatory System

Our body’s circulatory system is made up of the heart, arteries, veins and capillaries. This circulatory system transports oxygen, nutrients, water and blood throughout our bodies as well as assists in the removal of waste products.

You Are No Good To Anyone Dead - Health Tips For The IT Professional

When was the last time you took a good hard long look at your overall health? Was it days, weeks, months or even years ago?

Understand the Bird Flu Symptoms to Fight Against Bird Flu

One of the latest fears around the World is the outbreak of bird flu.

Woman Stress - Stress Management Tips For Women

All women have their own method of relieving stress. Some methods are healthier than others. You may have adopted your stress relief strategies from your parents.

March 2007

General Headache Facts

Headaches are described as a pain in the head, usually located above the eyes or ears, in the back of the head (an occipital headache), or in the area of the upper vertebrae.