March 2008
markItUp! Universal Markup Editor
by 12 othersmarkItUp! is a JavaScript plugin built on the jQuery library. It allows you to turn any textarea into a markup editor. Html, Textile, Wiki Syntax, Markdown, BBcode or even your own Markup system can be easily implemented.
markItUp! is not meant to be a “Full-Features-Out-of-the-Box”-editor. Instead it is a very lightweight, customizable and flexible engine made to meet the developer's needs in their CMSes, blogs, forums or websites. markItUp! is not a WYSIWYG editor, and it never will be.
February 2008
XHTML Challenge: Home - Comparing sites based on xhtml markup
What is XHTML Challenge?
XHTML Challenge is offering a comparison between websites based on validation and code markup in order to choose and vote the best coded sites.
September 2007
ここでは、多くの人が快適に情報を得ることのできるウェブページを作るために 必要な考え方と方法について述べてゆきます。
(3 marks)