Shaarli remplace Delicious et préserve votre vie privée
Sebsauvage, il est comme ça. Quand un outil ne lui convient pas, il développe le sien. C’est en tout cas ce qu’il a fait pour Shaarli, un clone ultra-léger de Delicious, à installer sur votre serveur. Votre vie online vous appartient, pourquoi laisser forcément la main à d’autres services alors que celui-ci convient parfaitement ?
fruux - Just Sync, No-frills!
fruux is a lightweight and convenient system preference pane, that syncs your Address Book, Calendars, Tasks and Bookmarks between different Macs. fruux supports sync conflict resolution which will help you when you changed a record on more than one machine. fruux is currently localized in dutch, english, french, german, italian, japanese, portuguese, spanish and romanian. fruux is still experimental, please backup your data!
System Requirements: Mac OS X 10.5.8 or later
iterasi Sign In
(via)terasi is a simple browser-based tool for saving any web page with the click of a button. The content is saved immediately—frozen in that moment in time—in an accessible HTML format and stored to a secure personal account. With iterasi, any web page can be saved, searched and shared anytime, from anywhere, forever.
Diigo - Web Highlighter and Sticky Notes, Social Bookmarking and Annotation, Social Information Network!
by 2 othersHighlight and Share the Web!
Diigo is a powerful research tool and a knowledge-sharing community
(12 marks)