public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from parmentierf with tag search

May 2010

Sphinx - Free open-source SQL full-text search engine

by 2 others (via)
How do you implement full-text search for that 10 million row table, keep up with the load, and stay relevant? Sphinx is good at those kinds of riddles.

April 2010

March 2010

February 2010

January 2010

TinEye Reverse Image Search

by 10 others (via)
TinEye is a reverse image search engine

December 2009

November 2009

October 2009

Squido - Accueil

Squido moteur d'exploration pour la recherche professionnelle d'information sur Internet.

August 2009

Conversational Search — BackType

by 12 others
BackType is a real-time, conversational searchConversational search is a new way of searching the web to surface what reputable people are saying about topics and webpages that interest you engine. We index and connect online conversations from across the web in real-time, so you can see what people are saying about topics that interest you.

July 2009

Internet Scout Project - OAI-SQ

by 1 other (via)
OAI-SQ is a simple extension to the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH), intended to provide a method of performing keyword or field-based searches of an OAI repository. It is not intended to provide the level of sophistication available via other established search and retrieval protocols such as Z39.50.

SIREn: Semantic Information Retrieval Engine

SIREn - Semantic Information Retrieval Engine - a Lucene plugin to overcome these shortcomings and efficiently index and query RDF, as well as any textual document with an arbitrary amount of metadata fields.

June 2009

Home - OpenSearch

by 4 others
OpenSearch is a collection of simple formats for the sharing of search results.

Google Squared

by 1 other (via)
Comment trouver des instances d'une catégorie, présentées en tableau.

May 2009

Pubfeed - find the research that interests you

Pubfeed runs search queries every day to find new publications so that you don't have to!

April 2009

Google Similar Images

by 6 others (via)
Similar Images allows you to search for images using pictures rather than words.

March 2009

Remember Everything. | Evernote Corporation

by 4 others (via)
Evernote is a software application that allows users to capture information of various types, including text notes, mobile phone snapshots, printed and handwritten text within images, web clips, and digital ink. All data added to Evernote are run through a series of recognizers that make any text within the various note formats searchable. The application uses a continuous "roll of paper" metaphor for its user interface. Additionally, users may create folders, categories, and notebooks.


Exploration visuelle d'un concept de la Wikipedia anglophone

February 2009

Diki live demo — The Pace Project - privacy in the social semantic web

Diki is a peer-to-peer (or better: friend-to-friend) network for social semantic web application. Think of it as an instant messenger program for social networks like, bibsonomy, citeseer, facebook or studivz. Unlike those social networks, diki does not have a central server that stores your private data. The idea of diki is to create a social network that respects the users' privacy but giving them all functionality that server-based social networks have. In the current release you can create bookmarks, tag them and invite friends. Then you can search for bookmarks in your friends-network.

‡ | Cataloging productivity suite

# Web-based cataloging client # Supports copy & original cataloging # Search millions of freely licensed records # Share your records with other libraries

January 2009

Google se met-il au web sémantique ? | ReadWriteWeb France

by 2 others
Depuis peu, on trouve de curieuses réponses dans les résultats de recherche de Google, notamment quand on l’interroge sur des dates de naissances ou les liens familiaux. Google répond désormais à la question posé plutôt que de pointer vers des pages contenant éventuellement une réponse. Pour l’instant, cela fonctionne avec l’anglais, et, dans une moindre mesure, avec le Français (c’est nettement moins impressionnant avec le Français, il faut le reconnaître).