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PUBLIC MARKS from parmentierf with tag xsl


OAI2 to HTML XSLT Style Sheet

An XSLT file which converts OAI-PMH to XHTML has been developed as part of the EPrints project. This may be useful to OAI implementers not using the EPrints software.

OAI 2.0 Request Results

You are viewing an HTML version of the XML OAI response.


XML Developer Toolbar :: Modules pour Firefox

Finally, a toolbar modeled after Chris Pederick's WebDeveloper toolbar, that allows XML Developer's use of standard tools all from your browser! Features include: -Schema Generation -DTD Generation -Schema Validation -XML -> Schema Validation -Style Manipulation -XSL Transformations on-the-fly -DOM Inspector incorporated views -Document statistics for future Semantic Web purposes -SOA Module (coming soon) -Lame scratch pad that does...nothing really useful :p


TopXML : XSLT reference

XSLT Reference Simple à utiliser

Transformations XML avec XSLT et PHP - Tout Programmer

by 1 other
En peu de temps, XML est devenu le langage d'échange entre applications. Grâce à des outils comme XSLT, il est capable de se transformer en d'autres langages comme par exemple le HTML pour être compris et affiché par tout navigateur. Cet article propose différentes approches d'utilisation de XSLT avec PHP.


Use PHP and XSL to create a DHTML link graph

In this tutorial, you learn to build a link graph with XML, PHP, and JavaScript code. Link graphs are paragraphs of keywords in which the size of each word depends on some data value -- in this case, the frequency of the term. The more often the term occurs, the larger the font size of the word. This tutorial shows how to build an RSS parser that in turn builds a keyword list along with the word frequencies. It also demonstrates how to use XSLT to create an HTML page that shows the link graph and relates its term to its original article.

OpenReport: Tiny RML2PDF

Tiny RML2PDF est un outil pour créer des documents PDF. Il peut être utilisé comme une librairie Python ou comme un binaire autonome. Il convertit au RML, un dialecte XML qui vous permet de définir l'apparence précise d'un document imprimé, en un PDF. Vous pouvez utiliser vos outils existants pour générer un fichier d'entrée qui défini exactement le model d'un document imprimé, et Tiny RML2PDF le convertit en PDF. RML est une alternative plus puissante, simple et flexible à XSL:FO. Tiny RML2PDF, ainsi que Open Reporting server, font partie du projet OpenReport.

About ChartSVG

by 2 others
ChartSVG is a collection of XSLT scripts that create SVG charts (line charts, bar charts, column chart, pie charts etc.) from a XML file. ChartSVG is an open source project, and is hosted on Google Code.

Re: [xslt] method="html" produces invalid XHTML

> XSLT folks, > > I am trying to create W3C XHTML validator compliant output using > xsltproc but have run into some problems. It appears that output > method="html" does not properly close the meta tag to specify the > page encoding or link tags within the head bloc. media-type="text/html"

[Touv’s HomePage] - xmllint, un couteau suisse pour les fichiers XML

L’utilitaire xmllint fourni avec la librairie multi-platorme libxml2 permet de manipuler, valider, formater des fichiers XML.

XML in Firefox 1.5, Part 3: JavaScript meets XML in Firefox

by 3 others (via)
In this third article of the XML in Firefox 1.5 series, you learn to manipulate XML with the JavaScript implementation in Mozilla Firefox. In the first two articles, XML in Firefox 1.5, Part 1: Overview of XML features and XML in Firefox 1.5, Part 2: Basic XML processing, you learned about the different XML-related facilities in Mozilla Firefox, and the basics of XML parsing, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), and XSLT stylesheet invocation.

Cheat Sheets

by 7 others (via)
cheat sheets (also known as reference cards) that you can print out and keep by your computer. There is a cheat sheet for just about anything and we aim to have the best coverage of cheat sheets available on the web.


by 2 others (via)
Quick access to searches with a Firefox search plugin or a HubMed bookmarklet (drag to your browser's bookmarks toolbar). Export citations in RIS, BibTeX, RDF and MODS formats, or directly to RefWorks. Unzip HubMed's import filter into Endnote's Filters folder for direct import into Endnote, or install the RIS Export plugin for direct import into ProCite, RefMan and older versions of Endnote. Use the Citation Finder to convert reference lists from PDFs into search results. Create lists of closely related papers using Rank Relations, then visualise and browse clusters of related papers using TouchGraph (requires Java). Graph occurrences of keywords in published papers over time. Tag and store annotated metadata for articles of interest. :: Reference Lookup Service

by 48 others (via)
C'est toujours fatigant de faire appel à plusieurs sources pour accéder aux diverses références des multiples langages de conception des pages web. LogPerspective, une société qui édite un logiciel d'analyse des logs du même nom, propose centralisant tous ces manuels. Il existe plusieurs alternatives à ce type d'outil mais là on a le choix ! Par exemple pour le langage HTML on a la doc de, MSDN ou le W3C. C'est bien pensé !

#ProgX - 5 ans d'articles, gratuits !

Presque tous les articles écrit dans l'ex(cellent) Login: par l'excellent Romain Guy.


Cours de XML

by 6 others (via)
Ce cours a été initialement conçu pour des étudiants en technologies du multimédia de l'Université Pierre et Marie Curie. Il présente les bases de XML (notion de document bien formé/valide, syntaxe), les formats permettant de décrire ces fichiers XML (Document Type Definition, Schémas), ainsi que le langage de transformation XSL(T). Il présente également un aperçu des formats graphiques SVG et multimédia SMIL.

There are Monsters in My Closet

by 4 others (via)
Un inventaire des erreurs les plus communes lorsque l'on développe en XSLT.

O'Reilly Network: Making Your RSS Feed Look Pretty in a Browser

by 5 others (via)
To make your RSS feed look pretty, you add a stylesheet to the feed. There are two types of stylesheets you could use here. The first, using XSL, is more complicated, but does give the potential for some powerful features; you could convert links within the feed into clickable links in the browser, for example. The second, which we will explore here, uses CSS. CSS can't do anything but change the display of the feed, but it's much simpler, and most web designers know at least a little CSS.

XSLT Standard Library

by 1 other
The XSLT Standard Library, xsltsl, provides the XSLT developer with a set of XSLT templates for commonly used functions. These are implemented purely in XSLT, that is they do not use any extensions.

Editix - XML Editor

by 2 others
XML Editor and XSLT Debugger available for Windows, Unix/Linux, Mac OS X

FOAF - Laurent Denis

by 2 others (via)
Quelques tests de rendu d'un document FOAF (donc au format RDF) dans les navigateurs graphiques, en jonglant avec le type MIME et en utilisant CSS et XSLT côté client.

parmentierf's TAGS related to tag xsl

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